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Light blue color meanings are emotions, symbolism, natural elements and perceptions attached to light blue colors. These are greatly influenced by prominent light blue colors in nature, particular clear skies and calm waters.All (75) Emotions (10) Symbolism (21) Perceptions (19) Natural Elements (11) Psychology (15) Airy | Ambiguous | Babies | Calm Water | Calmness | Carefree | Clean | Cleansing | Clear | Clear Skies | Cold | Comfort | Communicative | Conservative | Cool | Creative Vision | Crisp | Dependability | Dew | Dreams | Emotional Depth | Expansive | Feminine | Fluid | Freedom | Fresh | Fresh Starts | Gentle | Haze | Healing | Hope | Ice | Imagination | Impersonal | Infinite | Innocence | Intuitive | Lakes | Light | Lighthearted | Loyalty | Mist | Nostalgia | Oceans | Open | Optimistic | Peace | Peaceful | Possibilities | Pure Ice | Purity | Quiet | Rain | Refreshing | Renewal | Rivers | Safe | Sea | Sentimentality | Serene | Simplicity | Skies | Softness | Stable | Still | Tranquil | Tropical | Trust | Truth | Unity | Unknowns | Untroubled | Water | Wide | Youthful |
EmotionsUnlike darker blues that can be associated with storms and rain, light blue is a calm color in nature associated with clear blue skies and untroubled waters. As such, light blues are perceived as gentle, soft, safe and peaceful. It is uncommon for anyone to pick light blue as their least favorite color. Light blue is so calm that it can also be used as a neutral color in design applications such as interior walls.SymbolismWhere dark blues symbolize masculinity, authority and power, light blues tend more towards femininity, youth and peace. This is due to the use of historically expensive dark blue pigments, particularly ultramarine, to symbolize high status institutions. Light blue hasn't been used in the same way and is more often used in youthful and feminine fashions and decor. As such, it generally has less strong symbolism attached to it.PerceptionsAs humans have evolved looking at blue skies every day we appear to have some intuitive feelings about light blue as a color that are fully based on our feelings about clear skies. Light blue is perceived as expansive, open, airy, light, cool and free.Natural ElementsBlue elements of nature are mostly free flowing particles such as air and water that give this color its light and fluid feel. Light blue can also feel cool due to the relative cool of water and sky. It can also feel downright cold as ice is also commonly light blue.PsychologyLight blue environments are not only cool and calm but also tend to have much depth to them whereby the sky and sea appear to fade off into the horizon. This gives light blue a calm but dreamy quality whereby imagination feels both possible and unbounded. Light blue is a completely positive color that feels fresh, free, renewing, untroubled and limitless.Next read: Blue Color Meanings
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